About Capable
CAPABLE stands for Cross-Training and Physical Activity: A Better Life Experience.
A program tailored to both evaluate and promote the benefit of high-intensity interval and strength training on quality of life of patients diagnosed with cancer. CAPABLE is currently a research protocol with the plan to turn this into an on-going program for cancer survivors.
Our Background
In 2012, an expert panel assembled by the American Cancer Society recommended that cancer survivors “avoid inactivity and return to normal daily activities as soon as possible following diagnosis, aiming to participate in moderate to vigorous exercise at least 150-300 minutes per week and that strength training should take place at least two times per week.” Subsequent research has shown that cancer survivors who participate in regular physical activity have a significantly lower risk of all-cause, cancer-specific and cardiovascular disease-specific mortality.
Dr. Beebe-Dimmer finds the mix of strength and interval training contained within CrossFit® programming to be superior to other forms of group exercise and witnessed first-hand its benefits to participants of all ages and abilities. Furthermore, the sense of the community and support in a CrossFit® gym is truly unique. It is for these reasons she believed that this type of program would be the most beneficial to the patients in her research studies.
Her research has found that less than half of our patients participate in regular exercise for fitness after their diagnosis with less than a quarter of patients meeting those American Cancer Society recommendations. Minority patients are also far less likely to exercise regularly compared to non-Hispanic white patients and patients reporting that they participate in regular exercise also report significantly better quality of life compared with patients who do no
Participants in the study will be adult cancer survivors of all cancer types. Medical clearance from an oncologist or primary care doctor is required.
Must be age 18+, diagnosed with an invasive cancer that is not widely metastatic (unless it’s in remission or newly diagnosed)
No prior exercise experience is necessary!
We will ask participants to participate in 12 weeks of group fitness classes. The sessions will take place 3 days a week for approximately 60 minutes per session. The program includes weight lifting, running/walking, stretching and other exercises to improve strength and cardiovascular fitness. An optional dietary program will also be offered. Exercises are scaled, or adjusted, to meet the ability of each participant. (ex: One person may lift 5 lbs, while another will lift 40lbs. One person may walk on a treadmill while another jogs, etc…)
Participants will be asked to complete 3 surveys and 2 physical assessments.
Participants receive world-class coaching from certified L1 CrossFit coaches. All sessions will be hosted in a supportive environment with other cancer survivors.
Some sessions of CAPABLE offer a $100 gift card for completion of (3) surveys and regular attendance. (Walmart, Target or Meijer)
Program is at no cost (value of approx. $1000 in gym fees and training)
To register, potential participants can
Email: CAPABLE@wayne.edu
Call: 313-578-4246
Visit https://www.karmanos.org/capable
Participants will complete a short screener with one of our team members to verify eligibility and to discuss the best option for their medical clearance.
CAPABLE is funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, with internal funds from Karmanos Cancer Institute and with generous donations from community members. To support CAPABLE with a donation, please visit https://www.karmanos.org/karmanos-foundation/documents-and-links/donate-to-karmanos-capable-program-8126